Tuesday, January 20, 2009

You've got to be kidding me

I just got this long, heartfelt missive from Married Guy about how wrong he was to deal with the situation the way he did and how he should have apologized sooner and how if I'm the friend I said I was I'd just be happy for him that he's met the love of his life and let him live his life in peace.

Um, hello, Earth to Jackass? Besides the one email asking how you could be such an idiot, I haven't contacted you since your WIFE asked me to go away. Don't you dare get all righteous on me now.

I wrote him back saying that I did wish him well, and if he had been a man, he would have noticed that the last contact email was more of me being outraged that he could do this to her, as opposed to how he treated me. But I guess you don't notice those things when you're busy being self-righteous.

Really, though, it basically came down to it being my fault for trying to have a relationship with him, even though he was lying to everyone else the entire time, and how he never cared about me anyway and was wrong to keep seeing me. How I should have kept walking away the times I said I was going to - regardless of him protesting it. I can't go back to someone who doesn't want me, remember how that works?

I really just don't get the ego on these men. I really, really don't.


Brown Eyed Girl said...

EGO is exactly right! They all think they are so above everything and can do no wrong and it is always someone else's fault.

These guys are not living in reality!

Not to mention...it's been quite a while since you sent him that e-mail. So why now is he sending you something?

Cute But Clueless said...

Honestly? I think he checked my other blog to see if I had written anything about him and saw my entry there about a great date I had with Doodlepants and how well this relationship is going. I really do. I can't think of any other explanation. I never expected to hear from him again.

Shivering in Chicago said...

Unbelievable! At least you're not the "lucky" wife...

Witty and Mildly Jaded said...

ok it taked a lot to render me speechless as all of you well know !!!
But are you fucking kidding me !!!!!
He better be glad I don't have Wife's phone number anymore.
I feel sorry for that girl!!!!!!

Brown Eyed Girl said...

Well...I'm glad if he saw the other BLOG. He needs to check himself! Crazy boys!

And yes...his wife is lucky this relationship is over. She may not be so lucky the next time he latches onto someone.