Thursday, January 1, 2009

insomnia again

I must go to sleep, I am tired but cannot wind down. I have decided my Chiropractor "friend" is really just an idiot, and a giant pain in the ass !!!! Sex was good, but not all the drama that comes with him.
I just want to meet someone and be smitten again. And this time it would be nice if they were also smitten ( and faithful) back !!!!


Cute But Clueless said...

What is he up to now? More of the same drama?

Witty and Mildly Jaded said...

I once again tried to make plans " I have tickets to Whole World Theatre,would you like to go?" his reply, " I hate comedy" When I told him "I have a free place to stay in the f-ing Turks, lets use his delts points and go," he replies " I hate the beach"

I give up

Brown Eyed Girl said...

Boys suck! (no pun intended...well, maybe a little).

All of a sudden MANY boys are coming out of the woodwork, but they all seem goofy or like there is definitely something wrong with them. WTF!