1) If you email me, you'd better reference something in my profile and know something about it or know what my username meant.
2) No extensive travel for "work".
3) If you were successful in referring to my profile info and I email you back, your reply doesn't use the word "sexy" or even mention going out yet.
4) In fact, you don't even mention going out or give me your private email or phone number until your third email.
5) Don't offer to send me "private" pictures.
6) You meaning the dating woman = Flat out mention something that is one of the most important things in your life - the thing that matters most to you, barring everything else, like if you were on a deserted island you'd be fine if you had X or could do Y. If he isn't as positive as you are about it, even remotely, no-go.
(Yes, that's very personal, but it gets right to the heart of the matter, doesn't it? Like, I could live [if pressed] without knitting, but I couldn't live without books. Granted, it's not like my family doesn't matter, but I also know myself enough to know that I can live without people. You're addressing fundamental beliefs and character here. If he says he couldn't live without his Slayer albums or his Satanic bible, bye-bye.)
7) He answers the same passion/important thing question. If you aren't *totally* enthusiastic about it, no-go.
8) If he doesn't get along with his family, no-go.
9) If he doesn't mention his salary, no-go.
10) If he doesn't mention his religion, no-go.
11) If he doesn't mention his preference on kids, no-go.
12) Falls in the strict age range, period. And that means, unfortunately, someone within 5 years of your age. Kids are fun, but kids don't want to settle down and have kids unless they have mommy issues.
I know this seems ridiculous and dumb, but being this picky worked for me. Yes, I may have passed over guys who were just shy or awkward, but I don't want to deal with shy or awkward. Been there, done that. I don't know what freak stroke of luck sent me Doodlepants, but he met all those conditions and more. No one else did in three months.
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