Wednesday, March 25, 2009

WTF indeed!!!'s what just went down with POF contestant #1 - I am shaking -

Jeff, 38 - cute and seemed somewhat normal (clearly I was wrong!). Contacted me several times, we have talked on the phone at length the last two nights and were planning to possibly meet this weekend.

I got back to my hotel from dinner and was checking email, POF, etc. - he saw that I was on here and wrote the following -

"Best of luck hope u find what u are looking for. I think maybe you are just to busy and I find it hard to trust someone who lives in another state makes it easyer to cheat. I dont think I could date someone and only see then 1 day a week."

So I wrote him back, said I was sorry he felt that way having never even met me, that I am actually pretty honest and have integrity, etc.

He then wrote back, basically called me a whore - said if I were truly interested I would have called him instead of logging onto POF, etc. When I tried to write back he had blocked me!
His headline now reads "No whores be honest!!!", which is apparently a tribute to me.

WMJ - he goes into the same hall of fame as the Hungarian!!! I didn't realize I was supposed to change my entire life and cut off all contact with other men based on two phone conversations.

The good news? I clearly dodged a major bullet here...can we say CRAZY????


Cute But Clueless said...

What a freakshow! Where do they come from?

Southern Mod Chick said...

Dodged a bullet indeed!!! lol

Witty and Mildly Jaded said...

I looked at his profile and it is scary.... every other word was whore

Anonymous said...

oh have i EVER been there!!! these are the crazy ones that we thank our lucky stars explode ONLINE as opposed to feeling his wrath in person. can you say UNSTABLE???? ;)