Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Oh, the horror

So, backstory with Doodlepants...

I freaked out over his Match profile still being up and updated after he swore he cancelled it. He freaked out because my ex-husband was at my house working on my broken garage door opener. After a series of very strained emails, he insisted that we meet for dinner to clear the air. We met halfway and it was very polite.

Over veggie pizza he insisted that he isn't looking to meet anyone else until he sees where we go. I agreed that was reasonable and I felt the same way. I reminded him there is a reason there is a big "EX" in front of "husband" and he acknowledged that it wasn't really his place to be jealous. I acknowledged that I didn't really have any right to be jealous over his profile since we hadn't discussed yet whether we were going to be dating other people.

He's good, I'll give him that, he knows all the right things to say and while the girly part of me is thrilled by that, the adult in me is still highly suspicious. I know I can't hold him to the same standard of behavior as other men in other lives, but it's hard for me to believe anything a man says anymore. I just take them for half-truths. So while he seems amazingly wonderful, I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Then I made the mistake of letting him kiss me and of course we ended up at his place having crazy and surprisingly combative sex, but I felt good about being able to pick up and leave afterwards without feeling guilty. When I was getting dressed he told me that I probably wouldn't hear from him Tuesday night and I'm thinking, great, here we go.

He says that he has a secret addiction he's been trying to hide from me because he knows how I feel about stuff like this. I'm thinking, just great. What, heroin? Meth? A weekly sewing bee at Jo-Ann? He gets this really sheepish look and says that he absolutely has to watch 'American Idol' and that tomorrow night is the new season premiere.

I think I hurt his feelings because I burst out laughing but it was the last thing I expected from him. It was more surprising than finding out that he watches football. I mean, this is a guy that reads Wittgenstein and writes poetry and he's watching 'American Idol'? He said I was welcome to come over and knit, but I just said that I'd let him enjoy his TV show in peace.

I'm a lot less pleased about the hickeys. I look like I'm wearing some kind of... sex necklace or something. I had to wear a turtleneck to work today. He says I bruise too easily. So I guess we've made up.


Shivering in Chicago said...

That is too funny (on many levels) - I would be thrilled to find a guy who'd rather watch American Idol than sports! ha ha And what's up with the hickey necklace? When you run out of turtlenecks, you may have to break out the scarf collection! : )

Brown Eyed Girl said...

I couldn't agree more with what Shivering wrote.

I hate hickeys! I bruise easily too and I just hate them!

I think Doodlepants is a good guy...but I can see what you mean about the other shoe dropping.

I think we all need to meet him and do a panel interview! LOL

Witty and Mildly Jaded said...

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, just wait til I see him, there was a whole Bon Jovi Segment tonight on Idol hahahahaha. I totally thought of him !!!!

Witty and Mildly Jaded said...

hickeys are great below the neck