Finally have some time to catch up on the blog and sit down to relay my latest adventures...
We'll start with the oh-so-exciting Tennessee Todd. Our IM conversations picked back up last week after he sent me a very sweet e-card for Christmas, and I started thinking my initial "boring" verdict was perhaps a bit unfair.
He brought up the idea of meeting in person halfway (Chattanooga), and we decided to throw caution to the wind and do this on Friday. I told him I could book a hotel room using my points, and we agreed to meet for dinner. We discussed the potential awkwardness of sharing the hotel room, but he repeatedly reassured me that he would respect my boundaries (and he didn't seem like a serial killer -but I guess they never do!).
I arrived first, and was waiting in the hotel bar when he arrived. As happens to me 99% of the times I meet an online date, I was a tad disappointed when he walked in. He looked like his pictures, except slightly worse and older - does this happen to other people too? Anyway, the teeth were ok but not great (lessons learned from my fellow bloggers on this one!) and he had a slightly gay voice (not a turn-on!). Sigh.
I took a deep breath and tried to make the best of it - he told me I looked "pretty awesome" and didn't seem disappointed in my looks, but who knows. We headed out for dinner (a carefully chosen moderately-priced brewhouse), which went pretty well except I had to carry most of the conversation and I was acutely aware of the price of everything I ordered (a side salad!?!? a second glass of wine!?!? how DARE I??). Guys, if you can't relax and enjoy a decent meal with a girl without tensing up when the bill comes, guess what? You can't afford to date! Or at least to date me.
The last thing I am is a gold-digger, but cheapness is one of my biggest pet peeves. I'd rather just pay for my own meal and be able to order whatever the hell I want!
In addition, the dinner conversation confirmed my original verdict. B-O-R-I-N-G! This is a man who went to Costco on New Year's Eve. Nice, but really nothing to contribute.
Anyway...after dinner (about 11pm) there was no talk of doing anything else and we went back to the hotel. Can you say awkward? (I realize I have no one to blame but myself for the hotel room situation). We sat on the bed and watched TV, and he made a few small gestures of affection. We then both put on pajamas (in the bathroom) and got in bed. There was a little bit of kissing (he was better with the lights off!) but no big moves were attempted, thank GOD.
In the morning, I was up, showered, and ready to go before he even got out of bed. Hopefully it was pretty clear that we were not a match.
As discouraging as this was, I have to say I am glad we met - otherwise I could have wasted another month or two talking to him and building up for an even bigger disappointment!
And so...onto the little drummer boy.
We met the Saturday after Christmas for drinks, and I was SO excited because a) he is adorable b) we got along great, and c) there was INSTANT uber-chemistry! He repeatedly said he thought I was very pretty and sexy and he was not the least bit disappointed.
We had a great time talking and when he walked me home we kissed for a few minutes (which was awesome), said our goodbyes, and agreed to talk soon. I was on cloud nine - until I started getting weird text messages from him.
This started when I got upstairs and was getting ready for bed -
Him - Or not
Me - ?
Him - I just said I had a good time
Me - Me too - and I enjoyed kissing you! : )
Him - Alrighty then
Him - Well, you could have introduced me to your cats
Him - So..yeah. Good Luck.
Me - I think it's nice that we behaved ourselves on our first date! Can't promise I will always be so good!
Him - Sure
Me - I am serious. Hope you get home safe and hope to talk to you soon!
Him - Thank you. That will be up to you.
Me - Did I do something wrong?
Him - No, just let me know I'll see you next month
Me - I'd like to see you this weekend if you're around
Continued the next day (Sunday) -
Him - I'm game for hanging again if you'd like
Me - Would like that very much - can I call you later?
Him - Yeah, I'm headed to my grandmother's for dinner
Next day (Monday) -
He calls around 1:30pm, but I don't answer as I'm in the car with my mother.
He leaves no message.
I text that night and say "Saw you called earlier - I'm finishing dinner with my parents, will try you on my way home". I leave a voicemail and hear nothing back.
New Year's Eve (Wed.) -
Me - Just wanted to wish you an early happy new year! Hope you have fun tonight and we can chat soon. : )
Him - Yeah, me too - have fun tonight?
Me - Thanks, I'll try - save me a new year's kiss?
Him - Sure - I called like 3 days ago
Me - I left you a voicemail Monday night - did you get it?
No response.
Me - I will be around tomorrow and the weekend - would love to see you.
No response.
In a last ditch effort, I left him a voicemail on Sat. afternoon saying that if he's not interested I will leave him alone, but I had a great time with him last weekend and would love to see him again.
I am utterly baffled. Is he bi-polar? Did I do something wrong?
Sometimes I just want to give up on the whole thing. : (
Monday, January 5, 2009
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How strange - on both counts!
I agree on the cheap date - get over it, it's the first date and if you aren't prepared to splurge, don't bother making the date in the first place.
Second guy - it does sound like he's off his meds. One or two weird responses, okay, but maybe he doesn't know how to check his voicemail?
Freaks, the lot of them.
And PS, you did NOTHING wrong. Men are just freaks.
Wow! We sure do know how to pick 'em don't we? I swear I have met the twin for every guy we have discussed!
You did nothing wrong. He needs to figure things out apparently.
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