Thursday, January 29, 2009


I have decided I have an addiction to drummers. First tow of my closest male friends are drummers. Yes "Steven" if you are reading this as I think you do. This means you and I heart you !!!!! The other being my ffriend who lives in CA that I don't get to see nearly enough!!!!!

High School Boyfriend was also a drummer when we dated.........................

I also seriously crush on Chris the Drummer for the VPs ( bald) and the cute drummer of Lifehouse (also bald) and after this weekend I now have added Dave ( the yes BALD) the drummer for Machinehead.

I need to find a support group hahaha, or a hot bald drummer to date me. Anyone got any leads??

I think I am getting a cold from my adventures in Chicago this past weekend. Too much fun I guess



Cute But Clueless said...

I think it's more the bald than the drummer thing, but that might just be my recollection of things...

Brown Eyed Girl said...

I have a thing for bald too...and if not bald really, really short hair. But, unlike you I like a goatee or very short facial hair to go along with.