Saturday, December 13, 2008

Date Tonight, Guy #2 Resurfaces, Pushy Guy #3

So I have a date tonight with Guy #1, who I'm meeting at the restaurant, and as it turns out wanted to pick me up because it would give him that much more time to spend with me. As sweet and fuzzy as that is, it leaves me wondering if that isn't a little much after one date. I like him, too, but not quite that much!

So out of the blue, Guy #2 emailed me and asked me out to lunch for Sunday. Unfortunately I'm already booked so I countered with next Saturday since next Sunday is already booked, too. No response so far, so we'll see.

So, I've been trading emails with Guy #3 who is really cute and has a great smile and who seems really nice. Unfortunately, he has also turned out to be really pushy. I don't do pushy, it vexes me. Emailing at least once a day if not two, really pushing to meet up and I'm trying to find ways to get him to put on the brakes for a bit because my time right now is very limited. He also travels a lot, which is one of my no-nos as far as dating criteria goes. What's a polite way to tell him, look, it probably isn't going to happen until after the holidays?

And then, last night, I discover I got two really great emails. The first is from a guy that used a really bad line (Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only 10 I see!) incorrectly and that I told I was wanting to see how it was going with someone I met.

"Hey there hot stuff!!
still thinkin that you da bomb!! how's that thing working out with that other e-dude?? have you come to your senses yet?? lol "

The second is from another really scary guy that I've never seen before. This one's a real turn on.

"ur very beautifl
Love animals and kids dont have either do u have or want kids someday just curious -->"

Gentlemen, have you READ my profile? Just looking at the pictures? I'm looking for men that have all their teeth and can spell...



Witty and Mildly Jaded said...

you say.... "look, I probably can't meet up til after the holidays. Sorry." you can keep emailing with him and see if you want to meet up with him in Jan

Brown Eyed Girl said...

Goodness...I think I just wet myself a little from laughing!

I'd be inclined to want to stick with Guy#1 but that's how I roll. LOL (that is from a line from an e-dude as your e-mail friend so eloquently put it).

As for pushy - I don't do pushy either. I would say to him that this is a busy time of year and you have plans with family and friends and if he really wants to meet you he will have to wait until January (which doesn't include kissing during "Auld Lang Syne" as the ball drops ringing in the New Year).

As for the 2 new e-mail "dudes" I would have to say that I don't know how I would react to anything such as "Have you come to your senses?" and I can't stand when people say UR or U R in an e-mail. It's only appropriate in IMing and Texting due to space issues and the shear quickness of it.

Guy#1 is sounding like a winner and Guy#2 might be a good back-up so if he accepts your counter offer it may be a good deal.

And, they don't read! If they did they surely wouldn't ask half the questions that they do!

Good luck Cute but Clueless.