Wednesday, March 11, 2009

At a complete and utter loss....

I honestly don't think anyone could provide an adequate explanation for some of the atrocious behavior I have encountered as of late.....

Case Study #1 - Indian PhD Guy (Dazed and Confused)

First contacts me back in August on Match. We go out once, have a very good time, and make plans for a second date. Day of 2nd date I get a text from his friend saying he dislocated his shoulder and is in the hospital. A few weeks later, he resurfaces and sends me a very nice email saying that he's gotten back with his ex-girlfriend. I was fine with it, as I wasn't sure I was attracted to him in the first place, and he handled it well. Fast forward several months - I see him back on Match (looking at my profile) and we have a few fun episodes of text conversations (all PG, girls). He is flirty and asks me to come watch a movie at his house that night. I agree (deciding he is harmless) and then 30 minutes later he says he can't do it, has to pick up a stranded friend whose car broke down. A few months later, he's back - we text for 3 hours the Sunday of the snow, and he asks me out for dinner the following Friday (specific plans - restaurant, time, etc. all decided). Texts me on Tuesday to say hi, I write back 2 hours later, and nothing. And nothing. And nothing. I finally text him on Thursday to say are we still on for dinner. Nothing. And nothing since. Except....yep, you guessed it - he's back on Match and looking at my profile.

Case Study #2 - Nice Guy Jim (and what a guy he is)

Last Saturday I get an Match email (on my Blackberry) from Nice Guy Jim as follows:

Michelle - if you are ever in the mood to hook up, please call me at 404-xxx-xxxx. Jim.

Having no clue who this is, I check the picture when I get home (can't see it on the Blackberry) and it's this guy who emailed me almost a YEAR ago and then flaked out. We have never even talked on the phone.

To make it even better, this is how his profile now begins on Match -

I am a Christian man looking for a Christian woman that is marriage minded and wants to start a family fairly soon...

Gosh, do you think he wants to marry me? Or just come over to my house, screw me, and leave? I know which one I'm putting my money on....

There are more stories to tell, but I just don't have the energy to type them now....more soon.


Cute But Clueless said...

I don't get it - why even say you'll hook up with someone if you're going to flake? I am the queen of flake, so I try most of the time to not make a commitment in the first place so I don't have to flake! Maybe you should block both of them?

Southern Mod Chick said...

Good lord. Maybe there is a new mental illness where men are addicted to pursuing dates, but never actually intend on going on them? That's the only explanation I have - a undiscovered mental illness that quite possibly may be contagious. Hmmmm.....

Cute But Clueless said...

This is totally off-topic but if that is Christina Hendricks, I have loved her ever since she was on Firefly.