Monday, February 9, 2009


I am floored.  The Married Guy at Work (henceforth known as TMGAW) certainly gathers no moss.  I've been keeping tabs on his behavior out of sheer curiosity.  He apparently got that I'm not interested (maybe it was the 80 billion pictures of Doodlepants in my cube? [okay, so it's two]) and so within two months he is now dating and "serious" with one of the women who reports to him.  He got an email from her mother on Friday thanking him for making her so happy!  

This guy is still married and still has girlfriend # 1!  He just saw G#1  this past week!  So now he's got another one here?  Where do these guys get the energy?

Personally, I'd never be able to keep everyone straight.

1 comment:

Brown Eyed Girl said...

Does the new girl whose mother is so happy for her know he's married? For the love of Buddha what is wrong with people!