Sunday, February 1, 2009


1- I am still sick, I feel like Hell
2-Men are STUPID
3-I am sad and broken hearted about the wild kitty BEG and I tried to save out of a parking lot tonight. DAMN IT Why I can't I save them ALL.
4-Men are STUPID
5- I am on a funk
I am taking my nyquil and my tissue and going to bed



Southern Mod Chick said...

So sorry you feel crappy. I had kind of a crappy weekend too. But, YAY STEELERS!!!!!

Shivering in Chicago said...

Honey, I am also so sorry you're feeling this way - sick is no fun!
And I agree that men are STUPID.

Brown Eyed Girl said...

Stupid probably isn't even strong enough! I don't (as a rule) like the word stupid, but when it comes to men...