Monday, August 24, 2009

My luck...

Super cute guy I was supposed to meet out for coffee tomorrow night had to postpone...
Was spraying the Wasps nest in his shutters and "one flew out at my face" he didn't say it, but I think he got stung and doesn't want to meet all swelled up, which I can't blame ....
But he also fell off the ladder. No broken bones boy bruised up. Hopefully we reschedule next week!!

And loser honorable mention !! Was supposed to meet a guy out for Thai food this past Friday.......... he has asked me earlier in the week if " iwanted to come over and make out on the sofa chuckle chuckle" I declines having not even spoken to much less met this man. So when I sent an email to confirm on Thurs. I had been blocked.... Not even mad or bothered, Glad none of my time waas wasted and got thai food on my own.

Now I like to make out as much as the next girl, but you hadn't even bothered to call me yet !!! LOSER


Kimberly said...

Blocked your email? Omgawd.

me said...

feel good........losers suck...